Have a background in and passion for accounting? Lucrative, rewarding opportunities with companies of all types and sizes await you as a Certified Public Accountant—but first, you must pass the CPA Exam in order to obtain your CPA license.

Deciding and planning to take the CPA Exam can be a daunting task as the CPA Exam includes four separate sections totaling 16 hours, and requires a great deal of input even before you get to studying. Let us walk you through the process of taking the CPA Exam in our free eBook, Your Essential Guide to the CPA Exam. The guide includes helpful information on:

The four sections of the exam and what’s tested
Exam testing windows and blackout dates
Requirements to take the exam
How to apply and schedule your exam
How the exam is weighted
Different types of task-based simulations
Test day tips
Key resources and websites
Answers to commonly asked questions
And much more!

Complete the form on this page to get your free copy of Your Essential Guide to the CPA Exam.