Wiley CFP® Exam Review Course

Includes Everything You Need to Pass the CFP® Exam

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Unlimited Access Until You Pass – Pay Once for Free Course Updates and Repeats Until You Pass
2 Full-Length Mock Exams
850+ Test Bank Questions
350+ End-of-Lesson Assessment Questions
2-Volume Study Guide – Covers Full CFP® Curriculum
1,400+ Digital Flashcards and Personalized Flashcard Builder*
Detailed Dashboard and Performance Metrics – Track Your Study Progress
Online Student Discussion
Efficient Learning Mobile App – Study Anytime, Anywhere

*Note some course components will be available in 2022

Included In This Course

Exam Planner

Create a customized study schedule in seconds with our award-winning Exam Planner feature. One of the first elements you’ll see when accessing your course materials on the Efficient Learning platform, the Exam Planner gives you a clear, personalized path to CFP® success based on your circumstances and available study time.

Enter your desired exam date, ideal study time and days of the week, and you’ll have your own schedule to help fight procrastination and give you a sense of progress throughout your study journey—all the way to exam day.

FocusMe Adaptive Review Technology

There’s a lot of material to master when studying for the CFP® exam, so it’s important to save time wherever possible by focusing on your knowledge gaps while doing lighter reviews of your stronger areas. Our innovative FocusMe Adaptive Review technology takes the guesswork out of study time by customizing review sessions to hit the topics you need help with the most. The more you study, the better the Adaptive Review feature learns your unique CFP® needs.

Bite-Sized Lessons

We created Bite-Sized Lessons for busy, real-world CFP® candidates like you. These efficient mini-lessons cover everything you need to know regarding a specific topic in as little as 30 minutes, so you can study whenever the time is right. Learn faster and retain more with the Bite-Sized Lessons specifically designed to help you focus on one essential concept at a time!

With these lessons, you’re empowered to learn on your own schedule without worrying about missed lectures—listen to any speaker or topic as many times as you need before moving on.

15+ Hours of Video Lectures

Learn from well-known CFP® instructors on your own schedule. Accessible video lectures delivered by our subject matter experts break down core exam topics and are available on the Wiley Efficient Learning platform 24/7. Watch your video lectures as many times as you need to master each essential concept—no judgment!