PMBOK® Guide 6th Edition: What You Need to Know for the Exam

PMBOK® Guide 6th Edition: What You Need to Know The PMP exam is changing on March 26, 2018. If you scheduled your exam on March 26 or later, you’ll receive an updated version of the PMP exam that references the PMBOK® Guide 6th Edition. To get ready for this change, we’ve prepared a quick guide to the most important…



How To Make The Most of Limited PMP Study Time

You’ve made the decision to advance your skills and careers by earning the PMP certification. Well done! There’s just one problem. Before long, you realize that there is a great deal of material to study.The Project Management Body of Knowledge (PMBOK Guide) alone is several hundred pages. How will you ever find the time to…



5 Megaprojects to Watch in 2016

If you really want to get a grip on the importance of stakeholder management, it’s good to think mega on your PMP exam. Megaprojects are undertakings with long, complex, and critical front ends. They are usually very expensive and quite public. Here, initiating and planning are key (remember mega project, mega mistakes!) Watch these megaprojects…



Test Prep Tuesday: Free PMP Question on Project Conflict

Conflicts are a way of life in projects and can occur at any level in the organization, usually as a result of conflicting objectives. Many companies have managing conflict best practices which incorporate conflict resolution modes. Test your knowledge of the conflict resolution modes with today’s free PMP® practice question. Question: A project conflict has…



Top 10 Ways Firms Can Help Employees Earn Their CPA License

Helping your new employees get their CPA licenses helps your business. However, in today’s fast-paced work environment, it can be overwhelming to figure out where to start and which resources they need to succeed – especially when it comes to test prep materials. Here are a few easy ways to help your team pass their exams and get back to work quickly.



Simple Strategies to Conquer MCQs When Taking the CPA Exam

NASBA just announced the latest round of CPA Exam scores. Use these 10 simple strategies to conquer MCQs when taking the CPA Exam…
