To become a CIA, you must pass all three parts of the exam within three years of gaining acceptance into the Institute of Internal Auditors’ CIA exam program. If needed, you may pay an extra, one-time 12-month extension fee to get more time to pass your exams.

Here’s a quick overview of the certification requirements process:

Education Verification

You can fulfill the CIA education requirements in several ways:

  1. Obtain a bachelor’s degree or higher
  2. Hold an active Internal Audit Practitioner designation
  3. Have at least 5 years of internal auditing experience with a high school diploma, associate degree, GCE, A-Level, or equivalent

Note: You do not need to have your degree when you sit for the CIA exam. The IIA allows final-year college students and those enrolled in Approved Internal Audit Education Partnership schools to take the exam. However, your CIA certification will not be granted until you complete your degree and meet all CIA program requirements. You must submit proof of your education or experience within three years of receiving approval to enter the CIA exam program.

Acceptable proof of education includes:

  • A copy of your degree or official transcripts from the accredited college or university
  • A letter from your institution confirming your degree
  • A letter from an academic evaluation service confirming your degree level

Proof of Professional Experience

The amount of internal auditor experience required varies based on your educational background. Regardless of education level, you must pass Part 1, Part 2, and Part 3 of the CIA exam.

Level of Education Internal Auditor Professional Experience
Master’s Degree 1 Year
Bachelor’s Degree 2 Years
Active Internal Audit Practitioner Experience 5 Years
High School or Associate’s Degree, etc. 5 Years

Please note that experience must be in internal auditing or a closely related field. All experience must be documented and verified by your employer to qualify. To submit proof of professional experience, log into your CCMS profile and follow the prompts accordingly.

Pass the CIA Exam

Central to completing CIA certification is taking and passing the three-part CIA exam. This entirely computer-based exam can be taken anytime via a Pearson VUE testing center near you. Candidates may also qualify to test remotely from home upon meeting a series of strict security and technology requirements. The exam is offered in 14 different languages, so remember to select your desired testing location and language when registering for your exam with Pearson VUE.

Note: You may sit for the CIA exam before fulfilling the work or certain education requirements depending on your background. However, you will not be certified until all the CIA program requirements are met.

The pass rate for the CIA exam stands around 40% globally, so it is important to prepare with a CIA review provider you can trust.

CIA Program Certification Requirement Exemptions

If you already hold one of the following accounting designations, the Professional Certification Board will waive your education and/or work experience requirements. To receive these exemptions, you need to fill out the relevant sections on your CIA application. IIA administrators will then verify that your membership and/or license is valid and active.

Designation Waived CIA Certification Requirement
Association of Chartered Certified Accountants (ACCA) Qualified Members Education and Professional Experience
US Certified Public Accountant (CPA) Active License Holders Education

Candidates with these credentials may also qualify for the single-part CIA Challenge exam, saving time and money on preparing for multiple CIA exam parts.

Agree to the IIA Code of Ethics

CIA certification requirements include agreeing to abide by the IIA’s Code of Ethics, which you can read on the IIA website. Central to this is promising to keep the contents of the CIA exam confidential. Sharing or discussing exam material breaches the Code of Ethics and could disqualify you.

Complete Continuing Professional Education (CPE)

Upon completing your initial CIA certification, you must keep your knowledge and skills current. You must meet continuing professional education, or CPE, requirements to do this. Learn more about the CIA CPE requirements here.

IIA Membership May Be Required

You do not have to be an IIA member to take the CIA exam or become a CIA. However, some countries’ requirements include that you be an IIA member to take the exam. Please check with your local chapter for additional information.