With the June CFA® Program exam being pushed to December, it’s more important than ever to make sure you have a study plan in place to ensure you maintain your studies and retain the information you need to pass the exam.

To help keep you on track, from June to October, UWorld is offering new Level II and Level III CFA Program Refresher Workshops that will help you replenish and reinforce the knowledge you need to earn your CFA charter.

Our exceptional team of instructors Peter Olinto (Level II), Darren Degraaf (Level II), and David Hetherington (Level III) will guide you through key topics and in-depth review, offering exam tips and support as you strengthen your weak points. All workshops are offered live, giving you the chance to engage in real-time with these instructors in order to ask questions and get clarifications. However, if you can’t make it live for any reason, you won’t miss out because you’ll have access to an on-demand archive of recordings so you never miss a class.

Learn more from Peter Olinto in the video below.

Covering the key elements required to enhance your learning and ensure you’re on track to pass in December, each class lasts approximately 3 hours—with a 10-20 minute break—and includes lectures, worked problem examples, and question and answer sessions—making them the ultimate online workshop series to maintain your CFA Program exam prep throughout 2020.

The Level II workshop includes sessions on Pensions and Consolidations, Quantitative Methods, Fixed Income, Derivatives, Equity, and more. For Level III, you have access to workshops covering Private Wealth Management, Portfolio Management for Institutional Investors and Trading, Ethical and Professional Standards and Behavioral Finance, and more.

Don’t miss out on your chance to get access to a learning platform that’s custom-built to help you keep your studies on-track—delivering you metrics on your performance and highlighting your areas of weakness—to ensure you’re exam-ready when the time comes.

Sign up for the Level II and Level III Refresher Workshop Series today.