CPA Exam

Does your fast-approaching Exam Day have you all stressed out? Don’t let nerves ruin your CPA Exam.

Here are seven scientifically proven methods to help you reduce stress before the CPA exam.

1. Breathe Deep

One way to reduce stress before the CPA Exam, or anytime really, is to take a few minutes to breathe deeply. It will help to slow your heart rate, which will help you to regulate your body temperature and alleviate other symptoms of stress.

This technique is really easy. Breathe in through you nose slowly for a long count of 5. Open your mouth and exhale slowly for the count of 5. Repeat this simple exercise for a few minutes, or until you feel yourself start to relax. It’s so simple but so effective.

2. Drink Lots of Water

If you’re a caffeine lover, you’ll definitely want to follow this recommendation. Coffee and sodas can dehydrate the body, which can impair your cognitive function and even lead to headaches. Ensure you get plenty of water throughout your study sessions and the whole day.

3. Don’t Cram (Seriously)

You may have already learned this lesson in college, but staying up late and cramming for the big exam often doesn’t help. Instead focus on getting a full night’s sleep before the exam and eating right. Going into the CPA Exam tired and wired will only hurt your score.

4. Exercise

We wrote a post not too long ago about the benefit of exercise. Even just a half hour of walking a day can have an amazing affect on your body and outlook. It’s a great way to break up your study sessions and it’ll help you concentrate.

If you’re stuck inside studying, you can take a five-minute break to do some simple yoga-style stretches, especially for the neck, shoulders and lower back. Even this little bit of exercise will help.

5. Go Outside

Nothing’s better at boosting your mood than a beautiful sunny day. We all need a certain amount of sunlight to stay happy and health. Too little or too much and we start to suffer from ailments like seasonal depression.

If it’s hard for you to get a solid dose of daily sunlight, look into vitamin D supplements to make up the difference.

6. Listen to the Right Music

Sorry, but hard rock probably isn’t the best study music. Anything that’s very loud and jarring or has a lot of lyrics can be more of a distraction than a study aide.

However, listening to the right kind of tunes—soft ambient music, for example—can help you cruise through your study sessions. That’s because research shows that listening to music can help people be more productive.

7. Meditate

You don’t have become a monk to enjoy a little stress relief. All it takes is a few minutes of practice—10 to 15 minutes is all—per day to have a positive effect on the body and mind.

You can even do it sitting in a chair. Just sit up straight with both feet on the floor. Close your eyes and focus your attention on taking deep breaths. If a thought or worry comes up in your mind, try to just let it go and return to focusing on breathing deeply. Try to do it every day for a week and you’ll notice a difference.