Important New from AICPA and NASBA

We just received an important announcement from the AICPA and NASBA that we want you to know about: new information regarding CPA Exam testing window extensions and transitional credit rules.

10-Day CPA Exam Testing Window Extension

In order to accommodate the anticipated demand for test center seats, the testing window will be extended through the 10th of the third month of each testing window, beginning with the second quarter of 2016 (June 2016, September 2016, December 2016 and March 2017). During the anticipated launch window of the next version of the Exam (April-June 2017), the 10-day extension will be suspended. Suspending the extension for the launch window will be necessary to allow time for the AICPA to properly calibrate the Exam for scoring. The 10-day extension will be reinstated for Q3 and Q4 of 2017. To schedule your Exam, please visit

Transitional Credit Rules

Due to the commonality of content and sections between the current and next version of the Exam, NASBA and the AICPA have determined that any combination of passing current Exam sections and future Exam sections will count toward completing the examination requirement for licensure. For example, if you have conditional credit in BEC, you will retain credit for that section until its expiration date (18 months). This holds true for all sections of the Exam.

Upon launch, only the newly-released “Next Version of the Exam” sections will be available for testing. If you are already in the process, you will complete any final sections necessary using the next version of the Exam.

For additional information and questions, please visit