iStock_000050365150_SmallWe’re back with another free video lecture from WIley’s CFA® Exam Review, this time covering Reading #3 for the Level II CFA Exam, which deals with the CFA Institute’s Research Objectivity Standards.

What are the CFA Institute Research Objectivity Standards?

In this short video discussing Reading #3, Peter Olinto provides an excellent overview of what the CFAI Institute Research Objectivity Standards are and why they matter, specifically as they relate to your client relationships.

While, as Peter points out, much of this you may already know if you’re currently working in finance, it’s absolutely important that you know and understand these standards and concepts. There are certain to be several instances on the Level II CFA Exam in which one element or another of them will appear.

We hope you find this lesson helpful to your studies.

Need a quick refresher on the CFA Institute Research Objectivity Standards? Fortunately, the CFA Institute makes them publicly available for your use and review on their website. You can view them here.

Be sure to check this blog regularly as we’ll be posting more great content and lessons in the future.