5 Great Pieces of Advice from a Successful CMA

Betsy, one of our prized students prepared for and successfully completed all four parts of the CPA Exam in 2017. She accomplished this after already receiving her CMA certification.

Throughout the study prep process, Betsy, a mother of four, held and still holds a demanding, senior-level job. We were so impressed with her accomplishments in the face of a number of obstacles that we asked her to give us some of her valuable advice.

 5 Great Pieces of Advice from a Successful Certified Management Accountant

1. Treat Yourself Right:

Do everything possible to approach your study material with a clear and rested mind.

2. Use Your Calendar:

When you have scheduled test days, make sure, working back from the test date, that you set aside adequate study time. Recognize the study days and times that work best for you and protect them at any cost.

 3. Get Buy-in at Work:

Explain to your employer or manager how the CMA designation provides value to your company and your work, then ask for buy-in, so if you need additional study time you’ll get it.

4.  Address the Guilt:

Tell your family what you’re going through. Explain that it will be a real challenge that will take time to achieve. But in the end, if successful, it will be better for you and for them.

 5. Be Smart, Not Hasty:

The CMA program, with two exams, isn’t one you can zip through. Look at the long-term picture for a stretch of time that will work best for you. Don’t start the program until you feel your life is ready for it.

 6. Choose UWorld!

OK, so maybe you still need to do your due diligence before investing in a study program. We know which one is the best, and we know that after you complete your research, you’ll agree with our conclusion!