Taking the CMT® exam in 2022? Understanding the curriculum is critical to your success. If you are re-taking a Level, you must optimize your study time and ensure you pay particular attention to new or amended lessons.

To help you study efficiently, Wiley has put together a handy cheat sheet of the 2022 Official CMT® Curriculum changes for Levels I, II, and III. Find out what has changed between 2021 and 2022 curriculum editions below.

No matter which level you’re taking this year, you need a partner who will help you arrive on exam day with confidence. Join the 1,000,000+ global candidates across finance, accounting, and admissions exams who have succeeded with Wiley. With unlimited access until you pass, expert instructors, and questions designed to mirror the exam day experience, you’ll have all the resources you need to pass. Start your study journey with Wiley’s CMT® Exam Review now.