You’ll see that some features that matter the most, like a pass guarantee, score predictor, and small, digestible lessons are only provided by one of these providers: UWorld.

A few key features stand out in making UWorld the best CFA review course when compared to Kaplan Schweser. And that’s because Kaplan Schweser CFA doesn’t offer some of the features and guarantees that UWorld does.

Features that you can expect to find in all UWorld courses (but not in Kaplan Schweser courses) include:

  • Pass Guarantee on all CFA Review Course Packages, No Exceptions
  • Manageable Lessons Broken Into Chapter Based On Learning Outcomes
  • Score Predictor to Estimate How You’ll Do on the Level 1 CFA Exam

In the quick-reference CFA Exam Review Comparison Grid below, you can compare the features and support provided by both UWorld CFA and Schweser.

Ready to see what UWorld’s CFA Program Review is all about?

UWorld CFA vs. Schweser Comparison Chart

What course features are most important to you? Quick and easy-to-digest lessons? Free course repeats and updates until you pass? A score predictor that lets you know how well you’ll do on the exam? Compare these features and more in the UWorld vs. Schweser Course Comparison Chart below.

UWorld CFA vs. Schweser Cost Comparison

UWorld and Schweser both have three different courses or packages to choose from to help you study for each CFA exam level, whether you are studying for CFA Level I, CFA Level II, or CFA Level III. The tiers are comparable in price, but UWorld is slightly less expensive while offering more features in every course tier than Schweser.

Schweser’s PremiumPlus package, the most expensive tier, includes live online classes and on-demand classes, but UWorld actually offers live and on-demand video lectures in both the UWorld CFA Platinum Course and the UWorld CFA Gold Course.

UWorld’s Platinum Course includes the 11th Hour Final Review course, Mock Exam, and Study Guide. You also have the option to purchase the 11th Hour Final Review course separately. This course is crafted to give you one last review on the material and cover the most testable topics before you sit for the exam. It’s an invaluable tool for just-before-the-test studying.

So, when comparing pricing, the value of UWorld wins because not only do you get more features with UWorld, but you also get access to your course until you pass (with no exceptions). While Schweser technically has a similar guarantee, stricter terms and conditions apply. With UWorld, there’s no hassle.

“The value for money is top notch and quality is not at all compromised.” Says CFA candidate Thiam Foo Cheong who used UWorld’s CFA Program Review to study for the exam.

UWorld CFA vs. Schweser Pass Guarantee

All of UWorld’s CFA review courses come with unlimited access and updates until you pass. This pass guarantee has no exceptions and no terms and conditions.

Schweser technically offers “PassProtection” on their courses. This protection allows you to apply to receive one more round of your course for free should you fail the exam, but only if you meet certain terms and conditions (including answering at least 50% of their available online questions). If you don’t meet this criteria, you are subject to a 50% fee to re-purchase their course.

So, if having peace of mind that you get access to your prep materials until you pass the exam —no matter what—is important to you, go with UWorld.

UWorld CFA vs. Schweser CFA Exam Practice Questions

Both UWorld and Schweser offer thousands of CFA exam practice questions to help you test your knowledge and prepare for the exam.

UWorld’s practice questions mimic what you’ll see on the actual exam with a diverse set of CFA practice questions at varying difficulty levels, all with detailed answer explanations. Schweser’s QBank, or question bank, also includes thousands of foundational questions with answer explanations.

Catherine Howse, CFA candidate, felt UWorld’s test bank did a good job of preparing her for the real CFA exam,

“UWorld’s material is very comprehensive and organized to set you up for success. The test bank does a great job creating questions that will prepare you for actual exam day.”

UWorld CFA vs. Schweser Flashcards

UWorld’s flashcards come as a standard feature with every test prep course, and they are perfect for reviewing key testable information on the go. UWorld’s flashcards are also downloadable and print friendly.

Schweser flashcards are not included in the CFA prep course. They can be purchased separately for $159 per exam section or as a course add-on for $99 per section. Instead, they include SchweserNotes™, which are study notes and examples that cover LOS.

UWorld CFA vs. Schweser Course Format

Both UWorld and Schweser CFA review courses are presented in an online format. They both offer live online virtual classes and on-demand classes, however Schweser only offers these video lectures in their PremiumPlus Package and UWorld offers these video lectures in all of their courses except the self-study basics course.

Some other features you can expect to see in the UWorld courses include:

  • Trusted instructors like Peter Olinto and Darren Degraaf
  • Ask an Instructor Feature
  • Pass Guarantee
  • Manageable Lessons
  • and more!

Register now for a 7-day free trial of UWorld’s CFA Program Review.

Manageable Lessons

Unique to UWorld are manageable lessons broken down into chapters based on Learning Outcomes. These lessons help you learn faster and retain more by breaking the information down into digestible videos. Schweser does not offer this feature within their CFA review course packages.

Kosuke Hosono, CFA candidate, said, “UWorld’s video lectures are perfect solutions for those who do not want to read CFA textbooks. Great time saver!”

Professional Online Mentoring

UWorld’s Ask an Instructor feature allows you to ask expert professors for help with your CFA questions and get the answers you need so you don’t get stuck and stay stuck.

CFA candidate Thiam Foo Cheong found this feature helpful because it allowed him to keep moving forward in his studies:

“UWorld has always been my no 1 source of reliance and support to understanding difficult concepts and LOS. The ability to refer quickly into modules and a chat function where questions are answered by mentors/lecturers in a prompt manner also lets you focus on getting back into the curriculum quicker.”

Full-Length Practice Exams

With UWorld, you get two full-length mock exams. These exams help you prepare for what to expect on test day because they emulate the actual CFA exam interface.

With Schweser, you get four full-length practice exams.

David Raymond, CFA candidate, says,

“UWorld’s mock exams are closest to the real CFA Institute exam; this is what you want to be ready.”

UWorld CFA vs. Schweser Video Lectures

UWorld offers live online virtual classes and on-demand video lectures in both its Platinum and Gold courses. Conversely, Schweser only offers video lectures in its PremiumPlus package. So, if you have a visual and auditory learning style, UWorld might be right for you. UWorld’s lectures are taught by leading educators who provide guided instruction with contributions from experts and peers.

CFA candidates Joseph and Samique both found UWorld lectures to be engaging and incredibly helpful.

Joseph Perna says,

“I thought Daren Miller was great, very engaging and thought his insights to the actual exam were fantastic and spot on.”

Samique March-Dallas says,

“The Virtual Classroom really enabled me to stay on track. I think Peter Olinto’s Virtual Classroom lectures really got me over the hump. They were engaging and full of tips.”

Want access to some of UWorld’s video lectures?

UWorld or Schweser Score Predictor

Choosing between UWorld or Schweser’s Score Predictor is an easy choice because only UWorld offers this feature. UWorld’s Score Predictor monitors how you are doing in the course material and estimates how well you’ll perform on the exam. This is helpful because the results can help you adjust your study plan based on the results and focus your attention where you need the most extra study time!

UWorld or Schweser 11th Hour Review

Both UWorld and Schweser offer options to help you get in some last-minute studying before your exam date arrives. UWorld offers the 11th Hour Final Review course (which comes with the course, a study guide, mock exam, and print books), included with the Platinum package or as a standalone feature that can be purchased separated. UWorld’s review is designed specifically for your last week of study and helps ensure you fully master key concepts before sitting for the exam.

Schweser’s take on final review is more general. Their “Schweser Secret Sauce” is a book that provides a concise recap of the CFA curriculum and gives tips on how to prepare for exam day.

So, if getting a solid final review in before exam day is important to you, go with UWorld’s Platinum CFA exam review course.

UWorld CFA vs. Schweser Summary

After comparing value, study tools, support, extra features, and user feedback, it’s clear that UWorld is the winner. UWorld beats out Schweser because it has no strings attached to its Access Until You Pass guarantee, and UWorld provides you with features that Schweser does not, like included flashcards, manageable lessons, and an 11th Hour Final Review course. With UWorld, you have the best chance of feeling confident on exam day and becoming one of the elite CFA charterholders.

Need help deciding which UWorld CFA Review Course is right for you?

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